Резной памятник с крестом и красивыми розами для одиночного захоронения - один из самых популярных вариантов.
А ТОНИРОВАНИЕ резной поверхности придает изделию яркость, контрастность, защищает от влаги и других внешних воздействий.
2100 Br1 pcs.
Мемориальный комплекс МК-32 / Дымовский гранит + Габбро
Комплекс из карельского гранита Габро-диабаз с элементами из карельского Дымовского гранита. Хорошее сочетание видов гранита. Данный мемориальный комплекс представляет собой достойный вариант оформления захоронения, но в то же время и бюджетный.
I express my gratitude to the Kremen Grad company for the production of the memorial complex and the worthy professional improvement of the burial. A good 3D project of the monument was made. Everything is done on time! There is a regular photo report at each stage of landscaping. In any question and nuance, they go to a meeting. I highly recommend it! Thank you for your friendly attitude and quality work. Satisfied with the result!
I applied to the Flint Grad on the issue of improving the graves of relatives. Both the monument and its installation were needed. We drew a 3D layout of the site together with the monument, everything is clear and understandable. Contract, guarantee, reasonable market prices. The work was done perfectly and on time. I thank Vladislav and Irina for a competent consultation and a decent result! I will recommend it.
Consultation was needed, specialists in their field. Clearly and competently. We chose them. The job is well done. They give a guarantee, they were satisfied with everything.