Make the information about the opening hours on the site readable, some bodies and a bunch of selling marketing nonsense. (in the mobile version, it would also not hurt to reduce the text, I did not find any time figures on the first page there at all).
Situation : I agree to pick up the order, they tell me "is it convenient to pick up from 10 to 14? I think, well, they probably mean for me to arrive in this interval (thoughts that this is work time and after two there is no one at the point did not arise). "I'm writing and I'll be there by two. "
I arrive at 14:02 with the whole door closed. They tell me on the phone that the employee has left, and I can reschedule the order for tomorrow.
I'm probably stupid and should clarify, "by the way, they told me that if I didn't understand, I should have." Am I satisfied with the service after driving around the city for 1.5 hours simply because someone from the other side in Viber did not want to indicate the working time? The question is rhetorical. The issue is resolved, you do not need to call me, do work on the errors if you see fit.
I didn't understand if I'm from Novosibirsk..I went to the official website there is only delivery in Minsk and Belarus ..and in Russia, what the hell is not necessary for delivery to Russia??