LADA Niva Legend входит в число самых легендарных автомобилей мира, вызывающих восхищение миллионов людей.
34080 Br
Granta Liftback
Народный автомобиль стал ярче и привлекательнее: новая Granta получила черты современной ДНК стиля LADA.
32800 Br
Новый Largus Cross
Семейный, любимый, вместительный LADA Largus стал еще удобней. Теплее зимой, эффективней в городе, тише и комфортней на шоссе.
59150 Br
Vesta SW
LADA Vesta вместителен и удобен, при этом особое внимание уделено акустическому комфорту. Конструкция шасси объединяет плавность хода, проходимость и азартную управляемость.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the sales manager of Vovk Angelina, who served me when buying a car, helped me make the right choice, advised me on all issues, answered all my questions competently and easily.Angelina deserves the highest praise as a professional in her field.The impression of the car dealership staff is very good, a close-knit team, and all the specialists are very friendly.I am happy with their work.Once again, many thanks to all the employees.
My wife and I recently purchased a car here, we liked the service, everyone was polite, competent, and helped with the choice. I would especially like to mention the manager Angelina. She helped, prompted, advised, and supported me mentally and verbally along the way. Thank you so much for helping me fulfill my dream. ✌️
I recently bought a car from them! Attentive staff will tell you everything and show you right on the exhibition cars, help you choose options, and so on. But the biggest disadvantage is the lack of a cash register in place! That is, when depositing cash for a purchased car, if there is no bank card, the issue of payment turns into a quest! I took off a star just for that!