Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
1490 ₸140 g
Гункан с креветкой
3 шт
3690 ₸160 g
2390 ₸760 g
Том ям
Настоящее гастрономическое путешествие в мир ярких вкусов и ароматов. Это традиционный тайский суп, который сочетает в себе сладость, остроту и пикантность
Very tasty rolls and lagman , just on top🔥clean, beautiful, neat ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
We will definitely come back more than once and we will recommend this place to our friends.
Very good restaurant, cleanliness, polite and fast service. The food is very awesome, the beer is very tasty. The atmosphere in the restaurant is pleasant. A decent place to relax.
In turn, I want to mention the cafe "Lagram", namely the administrator for his adequacy to criticism and, most importantly, to solving the problem so that the client is satisfied. In response to my negative feedback (about the size of the rolls and the amount paid)
, 2 proposals were made to resolve the issue. We agreed to one of them. As an apology, the Lagram cafe delivered 2 servings of rolls to choose from and 1 liter of Cola. We consider the conflict settled and apologies accepted. We will remain regular customers and hope that our story was an isolated one and the cafe staff will take note that customers also know how and should count their money and receive products corresponding to the amount spent. We have always been satisfied with the taste of Lagram products. We wish it only gets better!!!