I'll give you one star and you're unworthy. They do not sell high-quality products. I bought a Polermo NEW sofa bed, the armrest began to deviate, went to their Ami-Mebel store, wrote a statement, later called back from the product quality department of the Laguna trading house and asked to make a video and send it to Viber. Later, the refusal came. Regarding the stated disadvantage, it is not a defect and has an acquired character, and is acquired in nature and is associated with improper operation, namely exceeding the permissible load, i.e. their products do not withstand a head with a pillow. I do not advise buying their furniture of inadequate quality.
01/3/2024 I decided to buy a mattress on Mogilevskaya St. in Orsha. So they said that nothing is available. They don't sell from the store either. We have to wait 1 month for an order. I would like to know that the quality is good, but it is also good. Tyap-HATS. How can there be sales with such an organization? You'd better not look at the price tags in your cameras, where it's right and where it's wrong, but bring the goods. Otherwise, come and look at the museum and you can go home.
I have been to this store many times. The store seems to be fine. But the staff, not only are they not polite, but they also work "to fuck off" ...
They recently bought a computer chair for a child. I asked for a Bruno chair at the checkout (there was such a name on the price tag). A box was brought to me from the warehouse and placed at the exit. I paid for the product and received a receipt with a warranty card. When I left, I asked to open the box and show the chair, check on the spot for all the details (because we were passing through the city and would not like to return due to the lack of any small things). Olga Vladimirovna MIRONOVICH, the consultant, replied to me: "The name of your chair is written on the box, and in general, your receipt is your guarantee." Apparently, it was VERY difficult for the consultant to get up from his seat and open this unfortunate box. We took the box and left. And how unpleasant it was when the next morning we opened the box to assemble a chair, and there was not our chair. I went to the website and looked at the name of the chair that I asked for at the checkout, well, did I take this name from something?! But our chair has a different name - Junior, it turns out. I thought I had messed up something.
I had to refuel the car again and go to change the goods with the baby twins in my arms.
Of course, I was very angry, but I held on to the last. I went into the store and went straight to the chairs. And yes, indeed, there is a price tag on our chair with a different name. They have the same price, but the names are mixed up. It took a very long time to replace the product. I told them three times that they had the wrong product name. But no one reacted to this.
When the box was brought to me again, this time with our chair, I also asked to open the box and make sure that our chair was there. The same OLGA started shouting again that the name was written on the crown and that was enough, and that she brought me what I asked for.... In general, I did not get an apology. And yes, no one has outweighed the price tags.
I hope I won't have to return to this store anymore.
Not a consultant, but a boor...