A pleasant walk and clean air that cleanses.When a bus with people passes, the smell of exhaust is very noticeable, which is interesting in the city you no longer feel it)Looking at this lake, you can imagine with horror what happened here on July 7, 1963, when a mudflow from the upper reaches of the Issyk River (mountain Zharsai) destroyed a natural dam in the western part of the lake, emptying the reservoir. The mudflow claimed about a thousand lives and caused significant destruction in the city Issyk. Pioneer camps, rest houses, entire streets and neighborhoods, and sown fields were demolished by the mudslide. The Issyk River changed its course as a result of a mudflow. Some time after the mudslide, there was a small lake on the site of Issyk. The Issyk mudflow of 1963 was one of the largest and most destructive mudflows on the territory of the USSR.