One of the best lawyers in Gomel.
By joint efforts, the court was won on the claim "Change of shares in the ownership of home ownership".
Already at the consultation, it was clear that Viktor Viktorovich was a professional with extensive work experience, which led to a positive result in court.
Our cooperation consisted of consultation, assistance in drafting a claim, support at all court sessions (and a lot of them were required), writing an objection to the complaint.
Throughout the difficult journey, there was complete confidence in competent protection and qualified assistance.
I want to share my impressions, maybe I was unlucky, but I fell for the reviews, waiting for adequacy and it turned out that it turned out. I'll tell you the background, we turned (me and mom)once I went to lawyer Shlandykov for advice on eviction, everything was fine, I advised him how to act....considering that this was the first time I encountered such a problem, I had to digest the information, which is why questions did not immediately arise, they arose a little later...he answered the first question well, the second (it appeared a day later than the first), he did not answer only because the SMS arrived at 6 a.m. Now from this moment on, in more detail. I did not write to him at 6 a.m., but in the evening at about 7 p.m., but due to the fact that I was offline (I have a Russian SIM card and it did not work in Belarus), the message came to him at 6 a.m. when I crossed the border and I got in touch (sorry I deleted the correspondence,so I would attach a photo). I did not know this moment, but he did not even ask a question and decided that I had sent it on purpose at 6 a.m. or as a varian, he decided to merge in this way, took the money, but did not really help. Then when I decided to clarify, and it was on Saturday, he told me that he had a day off, although here it is clearly written in Yandex that it works both on Saturday and Sunday (I have attached a photo)! For the first time I encountered something like this (with a person of mood). What I want to say from my experience, if you, Mr. lawyer, do not want to be disturbed outside of working hours, turn off your work phone! And don't run into people you don't know, I'm not a schmuck to be treated like that!!!
There was a need to resolve the issue of inheritance of debts and protection from illegal claims of creditors. Before that, other lawyers could not help. The consultation with Victor gave us an understanding of the illegality of creditors' claims and the possibility of resolving this issue in our favor. Later, Victor helped to draft an appeal against an incorrectly rendered court decision and represented my interests in the regional court in this case, the court's decision was rendered in my favor in one session. Thank you for the wonderful work!
I turned to Victor on the issue of divorce proceedings. I live in Moscow myself, the divorce is in Gomel.
Victor remotely gave competent advice, explained everything in simple words.
The lawyer represented my interests in court, and as a result, the seal of divorce is in my pocket)
Thank you very much for your work!
I live outside the Republic of Belarus, the circumstances were such that I found myself in a difficult situation, it was necessary to inherit in Gomel. For a number of reasons, this was possible only in court. I applied to a law firm, where I was advised by lawyer Viktor Viktorovich and we issued a power of attorney to a lawyer. He did everything himself - he received the necessary documents, filed a lawsuit and participated in court, which was convenient and profitable for me in terms of time and cost. The court's decision is in my favor! Thanks
I found myself in a difficult life situation and did not know how to act. I was advised to contact Viktor Viktorovich Shlandykov for advice.
The lawyer presents his thoughts briefly, weightily and convincingly. Everything is clear and to the point in a clear language. I've sorted out my situation.
I express my deep gratitude to Viktor Viktorovich for the legal assistance provided, for the high quality and professionalism.
Now I will advise him to my friends.
Хочу оставить свой отзыв по работе с Виктором Викторовичем. У меня было очень сложное дело по выселению, Виктор Викторович блестяще справился с этим очень не простым делом. В течении полутора лет пока шли суды всегда был на связи, очень много консультировал по телефону, иногда даже в ущерб личному времени соглашался на встречу. Вообщем профессионал с большой буквы!!!
Due to a combination of circumstances, a criminal case was opened. I turned to Viktor Viktorovich for protection. The result is that the criminal case has been terminated! Thank you for the good work!
Бывшая супруга не давала видеться с дочерью, еще и оклеветала. Помог разобраться в этой непростой ситуации и выиграть дело в суде. В ходе судебных заседаний грамотно и четко определил наши позиции, а в ходе судебных разбирательств принимал активное участие в спорах, задавал хорошие вопросы, ставя оппонентов в тупик.
У нас все получилось, а справедливость была восстановлена, во многом именно благодаря адвокату, за что большое спасибо!
It was necessary to evict a former relative from the apartment. I turned to a lawyer, filed a lawsuit and filed a lawsuit. The decision is in my favor! Thanks for the work!
Необходимо было быстро разделить совместно нажитое в период брака имущество и адвокат подсказал правильное решение проблемы - брачный договор! У меня все получилось и я очень доволен! Спасибо!
Делал ремонт в квартире и приобрел межкомнатные двери. После установки оказалось, что размеры не соответствуют дверным проемам. Добровольно проблему решать отказались. Обратился за помощью к Виктору Викторовичу, составили претензию и иск в суд. В итоге вернули деньги за двери и работу адвоката! Отличный результат! Спасибо!
Попала в сложную ситуацию, и не зная закона и не понимая что делать, обратилась за помощью в кобинет №9, адвокату Гапееву Сергею по нему сразу видно человек занятой, поэтому слов на ветер не бросает, говорит только по существу сразу перешёл к делу. Он профисионал, легко идёт на контакт с человеком и с ним хочется работать. Благодаря его высоким знаниям, все объяснил дохотчиво и понятно разлодил все по полочкам. Благородарю руководство которое берет себе в команду таких, внимательны и ответственых юристов, желаю вам и вашей отличной команде больших побед и что б закон всегда был на вашей стороне спасибо.