Курс "Макияж для себя" подойдет для представительниц женского пола начиная от подростков до зрелого возраста.
Курс состоит из 3 занятий, в процессе каждого занятия Вы будете выполнять самостоятельно под руководством преподавателя макияж.
450 Br3 d
Занятие "Основы макияжа для себя"
На занятии "Основы макияжа для себя" Вы узнаете основы и тонкости макияжа именно под Ваш типаж.
Приходите с подругой/сестрой/мамой/дочкой - получайте скидку 30р. каждая.
Сделаете один из вариантов макияжа исходя из Ваших особенностей внешност...
220 Br1 d
Однодневное занятие "Сам себе бровист"
А что если оформлению бровей можно научиться и экономить на услугах бровиста всегда? Легко. На однодневном занятии "Сам себе бровист" вы узнаете все о том, как в домашних условиях , самой, делать красивые брови.
I was at a pregnancy photo shoot on 28.10.23, where Elena created an image for me. We didn't know each other before, and I hadn't seen her work, but everything went easily, professionally and quickly! The airy hairstyle fit into all the outfits, and the makeup exceeded all expectations and even my husband liked it. At night, I tried to persuade myself to go wash for a very long time, I didn't want to return to reality so much. But now those beautiful photographs are with me forever. And Elena's contact in case of new ideas! Thanks again!
I was very worried before going to the photo session, but Elena is very likeable. As a new person, I felt very comfortable. And the image is crazy. Separately, I was surprised by the very pleasant styling. Well, makeup, of course, too. Now if you need makeup styling, then I'm glad I found my man.
Elena is a professional in her field! She did my makeup and hairstyle that was completely suitable for me, felt like a princess after working with Elena🥰
Make-up and hairstyle were fine, after the shooting I went to walk such beauty!
It was very comfortable and pleasant to work with Elena.💫