Disgusting behavior of doctors, I came in with back pain , they told me to go to work, everything is fine according to the general analysis. Nonsense , the doctor says I'm an assistant doctor , I don't give out sick days , a madhouse , not a polyclinic
You can't get into the adult department without an appointment, there is no order of sweat type by appointment, then the next one without an appointment as in the children's department, the boorish attitude of doctors, records only after 2 weeks and then if you're lucky. In a word, a complete mess is going on.
It's a big building, but there are practically no specialists. More doctors are needed for such a polyclinic service area. To close the pediatrician's sick leave, you need to go to Kizhevatov. This is extremely inconvenient
I was at the polyclinic today. Complaints of sore throat, runny nose, cough, pain under the shoulder blades. The answer is, there is no fever, so there is no sick leave. So, it is necessary to be carried feet first. There is no other way to get sick leave. What does it mean?