The first time I was in this store, I was presented with a gift certificate.I really liked the variety of choices, a lot of genuine leather bags.Special thanks to the consultant girls, they told me everything clearly and picked up my bag according to my requests.I will buy more!
There are good models, but the quality is interesting.
The first time we bought a genuine leather bag, it turned out to be defective. After a walk in the rain, she swelled up and went into pimples. They were returned by marriage, there are no complaints.
There was no exact same one available, we ordered it via Instagram. I've been waiting for a month, if not more) I threw off a photo, wrote what kind of photo I want. As a result, they made the wrong skin that they wanted. I didn't want to wait another month, I took the second one, but she didn't survive the five-minute hike in the rain either. It's not swollen as much, but still. The girls found out on the way to the store, but with strained smiles they changed the bag under warranty and did not miss the chance to throw in a joke about checking the third handbag with weather conditions. I had two feelings after going to this store