Креветки жарятся до готовности, добавляем к ним блинчики, сырный соус и томим, все выкладываем в тарелку, сверху вдоль кладем тартар из огурца, декорируем кинзой
Картофельные оладьи с прошутто и сметанно-грибным соусом
Жареные картофельные оладьи выкладывают на тарелку для стейка. Сверху и вокруг поливают сметанно-грибным соусом. Затем добавляют прошутто и глазунью. Блюдо украшают молотым перцем и зелёным луком
18 Br305 g
Рисовая каша с арахисовой пастой и сезонными ягодами
19 Br295 g
Сливочный булгур, креветки, яйцо всмятку
Булгур обжаривают с чесноком и тимьяном, затем добавляют специи и варят до полуготовности. Креветки обжаривают. Яйцо всмятку варят 4 минуты. В отварной булгур добавляют сливки, сливочное масло, сахар, соль и доводят до готовности. При отдаче сверху в
Very tasty cuisine and reasonable prices. Everything is fresh, you can watch your food being prepared in the hall through the window.
Clean, not many people, a large selection of classic Italian pizza and snacks.
We ordered an assortment of "6 pizzas". I recommend it, you can try all the options at once)
A separate review should be written to the staff, waiter Polina. This is the diamond of the restaurant! He talks about food in such a way that even if you did not plan to eat anything, you will agree exactly! The service is 10/10 .
We will definitely come back!
A cozy, I would even say homely cafe. They came here to try pizza, it's very unusual for them. We ordered pizza with peach and strachatella and pizza with tuna. Pizza with peaches surprised with its taste and aroma... It's a very unusual combination, but pizza with tuna is for an amateur...the taste of fish outweighs all other flavors in this pizza. We took 1/2 pizza for two and ate enough. The dessert was a hazelnut cottage cheese cake and a Pistachio croissant roll... the appearance is appetizing, the taste is impressive...moderately sweet desserts, a croissant has a lot of filling. Special thanks to the waiters, in particular, Elizabeth, who served us and was very attentive and friendly. I can say that I want to come to the Let IT be cafe again and again.
The most cozy place in Minsk! Excellent service - special thanks for the selection of the team, which is why I want to come back and recommend others!
The food is amazing, especially the croissant with chocolate and sausage in the dough))