So, dear readers of this review, today we will discuss a "wonderful" school with a "wonderful" team, where you will always be supported, treated with respect and taught something new... I wish I could write, but we'll face the truth. From personal experience, I can say that the years spent in this educational institution were nothing but HELL for me!!! Bullying by classmates and teachers, teacher negligence, the way teachers got into students' personal lives. I would like to dedicate separate lines to the director of this institution, who keeps the entire lyceum at bay and especially the teachers. Everyone is afraid of the director, everyone walks on pins and needles, afraid to take an extra step at the sight of her. The attitude towards her should be sensitive and you should stand with a huge smile, so that you are not reprimanded by the class teacher for improper communication with the director. And most importantly, at school, our esteemed headmistress can expel you for failing the test. Yes, yes, this is not fiction, I would be glad if it were fiction. In grades 10-12, the "Director's Control" system is introduced, if it fails, in grade 12 you are simply excluded. And no one cares that before that you spent 3 years studying in high school and hoping to get an education. You will be seen as a threat that will ruin the rating of the school, for which the headmistress worries more students. Failed the test = potential failure of the TANK = deterioration of the school's rating. They will simply get rid of you by excluding you. Oh, well, more precisely, they will not exclude you, but you will be forced to write a waiver from the tank. They say our school is very good, you just understand that you will not pass, so write a waiver. And if you dare to refuse to write a waiver, then you are excluded without the possibility of ever handing over the tank. After all, this is the easiest way. Of course, it is more difficult to try to correct the child's ignorance, explain the topic, correct the mistake. They'll just get rid of you. And the worst thing is that 8-10 students were eliminated in one 12th grade. Of course there were fights, but the headmistress didn't care about you, your wishes and the wishes of your parents. If you also dream of studying at school with the possibility of exclusion at the finish line, then welcome to the Mihai Grecu Lyceum!
Училась там в 1998-2000 годах, очень нравилось. Было много факультативных кружков, праздников и концертов, продлёнка, прекрасные преподаватели. Моим классным руководителем была Комарницкая Александра Григорьевна, я очень благодарна ей и с большим теплом вспоминаю те недолгие годы обучения. Нас растили очень разносторонне развитыми.
Хочу написать отзыв .Я ученица этого лицея .Выпуск 2003 года.Просто УЖАС.НЕ ЛИЦЕЙ А КОНЦЛАГЕРЬ.Только ужасные отвратительные воспоминания. Бреусенко Марина Степановна не учитель,да и вообще не может им быть.Класс был как в Аушвице.Ученики в общей массе занимались либо сплетнями либо выяснением отношений.На,что классный руководитель Бреусенко поддерживала все эти выяснения.Постоянно намекая ,что за всё надо платить. КАК ЖЕ Я НЕНАВИЖУ ЭТУ ШКОЛУ. Так же близкая подруга"" Бреусенко ,учитель английского языка Климова...Занимались гноблением некоторых учеников. НИ РАЗУ НЕ ПОЯВИЛАЬ ПОСЛЕ ОКОНЧАНИЯ