Лучшие полиграфологи в РК проводят проверки на полиграфе, детекторе лжи с 2009 года. Мы поможем Вам отобрать достойных сотрудников при найме на работу. Найти виновных в кражах или недостачах на работе и дома. Проверить на верность 2-ю половинку!
I would like to thank Evgeny Mikhailovich from the bottom of my heart for his professionalism in his field. He conducted the polygraph procedure clearly, tactfully and competently. And he has a cozy office, a comfortable environment makes you feel positive emotions. I wish you patience, prosperity, and all the best in your hard work. I recommend it to everyone!
If you need a good and competent specialist in this area, then this is Evgeny Mikhailovich, he has a lot of certificates and diplomas, speaks at many forums in this area. If you need high-quality work, then the choice is obvious. I recommend
The company sent it for verification upon promotion. I would like to thank Evgeny Mikhailovich for the professionalism in his work and the pleasant atmosphere in the office - tea, coffee and sweets were offered. Everything went great, thanks!