Стоимость категории услуг указана ОТ и рассчитывается индивидуально
Удаление зуба, корней зуба
Удаление зуба мудрости
Иссечение капюшона при перикоронарите
Вскрытие абцесса полости рта
Наложение швов
Раскрытие ретенированного зуба
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Стоимость категории услуг указана ОТ и рассчитывается индивидуально
Лечение брекет системой (металлическая, керамическая, сапфировая, комбинированная), замена дуги, ретейнеры, снятие брекет систем, трейнеры, ретенционные каппы, несъемные каппы, 3...
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Стоимость категории услуг указана ОТ и рассчитывается индивидуально
Установка имплантов,
Поднятие дна гайморовой пазухи перед установкой импланта
открытым/закрытым способом
Раскрытие шахты импланта с установкой формирователя десны
The best dental center in Almaty!
The first thing to note is the high provision of doctors. I needed dental treatment, and the doctor explained everything in detail, drew up a treatment plan and offered several options to choose from. I felt confident because they really take care of the patient here.
Good and worthwhile prices for services, in addition, various promotions and discounts are often held here.
I want to say a special thank you to Fazyl Alipbayevich! You are a wonderful doctor.
I recommend Life Stom to anyone who is looking for high-quality, comfortable and dental treatment.
"I recently visited the Life Stom dental clinic on Mikhail Sholokhov str., 8, in Almaty. The doctor, Fazyl Alipbayevich, was professional and polite. The equipment is modern, the quality of services is excellent. The procedures were painless, the result exceeded expectations. I recommend this clinic to everyone."
He visited the Life Stom clinic at Mikhail Sholokhov str., 8 in Almaty, where dental services are provided, including implantation, removal of wisdom teeth, orthodontic treatment with braces, prosthetics and analysis of the hand to determine biological age. I turned to the universal doctor Fazyl Alipbayevich – a professional in his field. He carried out orthodontic treatment with braces, additionally had his teeth cleaned and the necessary tests performed. The clinic also offers services for the installation of zirconium crowns, metal ceramics and orthodontic children's plates. There are regular promotions and loyalty programs. Everything went well, I recommend it.