Добрый день!
Приглашаем детей 6-13 лет записаться в наш лагерь дневного пребывания! с 8:00-18:00
Трёхразовое питание
Насыщенная и активная программа
Стоимость смены (2 недели, 10 будних дней) - 250 руб
Стоимость однодневного пребывания - 28 руб
25 Br
Квест "Лес Боярд"
Участие в увлекательном квесте. по карте ищем КЛАД! Катание на лошадях. Вкусный подарок.
Quest types:quests, quests with actors, quiz, action games, with children, for beginners, difficult, cheerful, inexpensive, for teenagers, for large groups, for schoolchildren, historical, detective, dynamic, scientific, mystical, nonstandard, sport, competitive, adventures
Great space for kids! Several rooms are decorated, each in its own style and purpose! The staff has a very respectful attitude, animators are working, and there are a lot of buns! Just kids staying, holidays, birthdays! Corporate parties! And much more! I can't even count everything!.. I definitely recommend it!