Very comfortable place! The friendliness, the coffee is amazing, while I was waiting for the master class (drawing). I'm not a fan of drawing, but the painting under the guidance of the master turned out with a bang! I am waiting for the next master class on epoxy resin!!
I believe that at present knowledge of English is necessary for both professional and comprehensive human development. Having the experience of studying at another language school, I would like to note the high professionalism and competence of LingvoClass teachers. I would like to express my gratitude to the entire team and personally to the teacher Anna Andreevna for interesting classes, excellent presentation of material and attentive work with each of the students. Very good school, excellent teaching staff, I recommend it to everyone!
Excellent IT courses for children! They study design, graphic editors, and working with neural networks. They create their own games, websites, presentations and much more. The children like it, the necessary skills appear.
Изучау там бурацки язык. Дык миня всё устроила, учыциля очынь умныя, многа чыво знают, ну и само пасибе места прыятнае, ёсць свой агарод и разводят маленьких утак и нутрий
I have been looking for a teacher for a 7-year-old child who can speak, read and write in English for a long time. As it turned out, in Mogilev, no one wants to teach such children. Anna Andreevna gladly agreed to work with the child in Lingvoclass. An excellent teacher with high training. The lesson was fun, intense, productive. The child came out happy and in the evening asked to go to class again tomorrow.
This is a great educational institution. With sweet , kind and helpful teachers . English, German, and Polish are available for children to learn. The atmosphere is perfect for learning. I recommend.
Открытое, тёплое и душевное пространство, в котором обучают. Это очень важно для дополнительного образования. Ведь туда, действительно, приходишь как домой, не только изучать, но и играть, общаться. Узнавать много нового, за пределами изучаемого курса. За такими пространствами, расширяющими горизонты понимания, Будущее. Спасибо руководителю школы Элеоноре Николаевне. Познакомились со школой недавно, но уже открылись новые горизонты развития ...
Поднял свой уровень с нуля до уровня понимания за два месяца. Счас уже хожу больше года. Очень нравиться думаю привести свою дочку, как только подрастёт. Видел как занимаются с детками. Много проводится открытых уроков и постоянно проводятся мероприятия посвящённые различным праздникам.