Приглашаем детей и взрослых на тренировки ММА. Научим разным боевым техникам и навыкам самообороны, разовьем координацию, силу и выносливость. Смешанные боевые искусства дают уверенность и защищенность, развивают физически и дисциплинируют.
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Дзюдо для детей
Вовлечем в самое мягкое единоборство на языке возраста и интересов. Проводим занятия дзюдо для мальчиков и девочек, групповые тренировки – от 4 лет, семейные – от 3. Отдать ребенка на дзюдо – развить дисциплину, концентрацию и умение защищаться.
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Самбо для детей
Хотите, чтобы ребенок рос целеустремленным и умел постоять за себя? Приводите его в Lion. Наша секция самбо для детей в Гомеле – это спортивные игры, базовая физподготовка и техника самообороны.
This is one of the best places in Belica for children. We have been practicing judo for two years. My guys run to training with pleasure. The coaches are responsive and moderately strict. The discipline in training is the best! Children do not indulge, but strive to improve the results achieved. The children have already attended their first tournaments and received well-deserved medals. Yes, there were losses, but nothing makes you strive for the best like a failed attempt!!! I advise all moms and dads to bring their children to this club!! You won't regret it!
A great place to practice judo.
A large dressing room.
A large hall for judo classes. There are many different sports equipment. The coaches are pros. Children come out after training cheerful, energized and positive.
The child goes to judo training. He likes it very much himself. He says that the coach motivates you to practice not only in the gym, but also at home. The child is engaged himself, asks to buy the necessary equipment for him. There is also very good support from the manager. You can always ask something and get a detailed answer.
I am happy with the club. I will definitely recommend it to my friends.