We purchase paint and varnish products from Clovertex on an ongoing basis. Before that, they were purchased in various places, acquiring quality problems and consultations in the selection of paints. But from the moment we got acquainted with the Clovertex Team, we receive clear consultations, selection, and paint quality. The issue with specific RAL colors is resolved, the paint does not fade, it fits elegantly on the metal. The white road is lying in the photo zone, there is no demolition - loaders, junk, machine tools, active wear, but no - it is snow-white in the morning. We also bought paint for the office. The office is all Clovertex paint. We painted, including the skirting board in acrylic, based on the calculation – later we will varnish it, but alas, they painted and forgot. It's been 2 years, the paint holds firm! What does quality mean!!! Thanks for the quality and reasonable prices!