It's a good pet store, but it's a little cramped. The goods are all at an affordable price, the sellers are polite and ready to answer your questions about how and what is better to buy. I recommend this pet store
A small shop, but a professional consultant will tell you, pick up exactly the right food, the prices are normal, I went to get food, eventually took filler, sweets, food, etc
I'll come again
Good goods, but you can't get to the vet without an appointment, even in a difficult case, and it was a pity to sit half the day waiting for our puppies to look at, and the loss was heavy the next day, sometimes it's better not to waste time!
The assortment is good, but the top three is because the seller, a young girl, works on a respectful "leave me alone")
It is unpleasant, there is no interest and customer orientation, it is because of such sellers that people switch to online stores
A good choice!!! The prices are reasonable.They serve you quickly..They can recommend food..drug treatment.The only negative is very little space..and it is difficult to walk around to see the assortment.
Great store. You can find everything for animals. The sellers are excellent, they know their job. They will advise what is really suitable for your pet.
Friendly service, a huge range of products for various animals.The seller will show and explain everything.The prices are quite reasonable.I recommend.
The sellers are very good, they always tell you if you need something. The store has a large selection of everything for animals! I was given a medicine for cats)
Hello!The changes in your store did not please you at all.The seller can neither explain nor suggest which food is better for my dog, and I am generally silent about medicines.Where are those who understand all this?Who should I contact now?? In short, I'll choose another store, but I won't set foot in yours!
I visit a store in the Southeast. The sales girls are such good fellows, they will always help if they need to order. And special thanks to the veterinarian Larisa for her work and the rescue of animals.