Great store! A good assortment, which allows you to buy any necessary product on the way home. I usually visit it in the morning, there are practically no queues. I recommend.
The store has absolutely any product category.Sellers are always polite and friendly.The product is fresh without delay.From the minus in the summer, I stayed working until 19-00
The assortment in the store is not bad, but you can find cheaper prices. Sellers are boorish, they behave as if you owe them. In addition, the weight of the product is weighed down and shortchanged. This is especially true for the sausage and vegetable departments. The store itself is normal, however, the service leaves much to be desired.
Sellers should be more behind the counters in their departments and be more polite to customers. In most cases, the store gives the impression that not sellers are for buyers, but buyers are for sellers. The prices are high for vegetables, and the quality of vegetables wants the best.
The service is terrible. Sellers are constantly not at the counters. They are weighed and counted. We lost our shame on vegetables. The assortment is good.