Now the situation is terrible, we are going to work, there is no light. It would be possible at least temporarily to allow the entrances to the train on Gvardeyskaya Street. As much as possible. There's an ambush with the light.
I want to appeal to the chairman of the machulishchansky district executive committee. 2 Zelenaya Street, Maria Vladimirovna Osipova inv lives in a social house. 2 gr. Her brother, who is 85 years old. I brought firewood and dumped it over the fence as much as I could. The fence tilted, but without warning and calls, some kind of service arrived, dismantled and took away this fence illegally. There is no way to help a person, so they just finish off.. What a mess this is.. you are the power and these old people are few. Have you ever wondered how this person lives. There is a phone. An agreement. Take at least some measures.
It's hard to find working hours. So I had to go.
I will attach a photo of the reception schedule for citizens, since the work schedule is indicated incorrectly on the website.
We have been living in Sokolinye Krai since April. We were ready for discomfort, but not to this extent. Today I went to the minibus along partisan trails, before stopping I fell into the mud up to my knees!!! There are no roads, courtyards, sidewalks are not cleaned, there is no light! People, how long can you put up with this? Let's do something! There is only one answer to requests to extend the route for a minibus: the fools themselves knew where they were going, there is no road and there will be no road until 2025!