The Madan Mohan Temple is considered to be the oldest in Vrindavan, as it stood here 5,000 years ago. It is believed that it was built by Krishna's great—grandson, King Vajranabha. Some time after its creation, the temple was destroyed.
The construction of a huge temple would not have been possible without serious financial support. And a miracle happened. Merchant Kapoor's ship from Multan was sailing to Mathura along the Yamuna, which was navigable at that time, but it ran aground in the vicinity of Vrindavan. Kapoor did not know what to do and turned to Goswami Baba, who was known in these places as an enlightened sadhu who could solve any problem. The saint invited the rich man to pray to Madanamohana. The latter promised that if he managed to sell all the goods from the ship, the proceeds from this transaction would go entirely to the construction of the temple. And so it happened. Through the efforts of Sanatan Goswami and Kapoor, a large and beautiful mandir was erected. This happened in 1580.
At the beginning of the 19th century, the temple was radically rebuilt.
The temple is built of Karauli stone