1⃣ Знакомство с правилами
2⃣ 4-6 игр в лайт-мафию (5 часов) по упрощённым правилам: мафы могут просыпаться каждую ночь и решать, кого убить + может быть больше 10 игроков. Это облегчает понимание сути игры на начальном этапе и не перегружает но...
25 Br
Мафия на день рождения
Интеллектуальное развлечение + фуршет = незабываемый корпоратив и сплочение коллектива, а ещё отличный вариант на день рождения!
Сделаем необычный праздник «под ключ» в формате игры Мафия.
Быстрая бронь и ответы на все вопросы: +375257792444
Definitely the coolest place to play mafia.
Top judges, you will always meet the best players of Belarus, an incredible atmosphere. The hub has everything; funky, sports, tournaments, tournaments for beginners, there is training, which is conducted by Mr. Interactiv, you can celebrate the anniversary, as my husband and I did)
It was incredible!
An ideal bar and bartender, knows his business not only in alcohol, but also makes delicious tea, as he understands this, they constantly improve themselves, which is incredibly pleasing. Of all the places, this is the best place for mafia games and development! Thank you, I hugged everyone.
It's a cool place, but there are a lot of confusing moments:
1. They do not calculate the time and as a result, we wait a long time for other players, we need to lay down time, and not leave people standing for 30 minutes
2. We managed to play 5 times in the evening and the same people played mafia, and someone was peaceful 5 times) I do not believe in such randomness, there is a feeling that the presenter chooses who and where to play
Naturally, those who played 5 times on mirny were very upset because it drained time.
3. The rules are different for everyone, different players did the same things, as a result, some were ignored, others were made remarks (oddly enough, they were the ones who sat on the table))
In general, when you go to play, you want to understand the rules and play on equal terms) And not for someone to get high from the game, but for someone to come tired and upset because they just sat out
Convenient location near the metro station. A rich program of tournament and fan games. The club provides an opportunity for beginners or those interested in the game to gently enter the world of the sports mafia. And for experienced players, comfortable lineups with high-quality games. At the moment, the club is a place that brings together players from all over the country and all levels and experience. And in general, a pleasant place created by enthusiastic people.
Comfortable round tables, three separate halls. The original design of the premises. Own game attributes. And the club provides an opportunity for players to purchase personalized masks with customization of the club design.