Керамические барашки в разных размерах. Милый сувенир из необычного места в Сухуме.
1200 ₽
Керамические подвески
Культовые символы OVEN - керамические подвески на хлопковых шнурках. Сердечки, крестики и другие символы. Можно выбрать свое цветовое сочетание кулона и шнурка. Продаются в льняных мешочках.
1500 ₽
Кофейная пара
Ставшие знаковыми, кофейные пары Oven - прекрасный подарок себе и близким. Созданные специально для кофе по-восточному, наши кофейные пары станут теплым напоминанием об атмосфере сухумского утра.
2500 ₽
Кувшин со стопками
Набор из кувшина со стопками станет отличным подарком как для мужчин, так и для женщин. Подходит для крепких напитков типа чачи или водки, а также настоек. В комплект входит кувшин и 6 стопок. Набор продается в картонной коробке.
Very stylish and atmospheric. On a walk through Sukhumi, the legs themselves lead here. They bought all kinds of beauty - now they will decorate the house and plunge into the memories of a trip to paradise Sukhum. Prosperity to you!
Aesthetics and taste.
Authentic. Aesthetically pleasing. Subtle.
An opportunity to get to know the istria of the place through what people do.
A very aesthetic space
Wander a little through the streets of Sukhum near the embankment and get into this beauty.
Handmade by Abkhazian craftsmen.
Ceramics - floor vases, coffee and tea bowls, mugs, borshi authored by Asida Akhuba, wooden boards made by a master from Gudauta - I especially want to highlight a real master of his craft and a wonderful tree for products. Books about the history of Abkhazia, Sukhumi. Postcards with reproductions of paintings by Abkhazian artists.
Space itself is a delight. It is very pleasant to be here, to consider.
Ceramics from the shores of Abkhazia are special.
It's not just a store!!!This is a unique and cozy space that must be visited upon arrival in Sukhum. Tableware, jewelry, candles, bags, scarves, souvenirs - love! Separately, I would like to mention the excellent sales consultants and an equally excellent hostess! Looking at it, it becomes clear why the concept store is so amazing. I recommend everyone to look into Aries, buy yourself a beautiful tchotchka, drink coffee, eat the best gelato, sit on the veranda, work or play tic-tac-toe with friends. And you also need to take a photo in the mirror! (p.s: it makes you lose weight)