The store is located a stone's throw from my house in the western neighborhood, so I visit the West every day, sometimes twice a day. Convenient location, abundance of essential goods, relatively affordable prices, a wonderful team that you know almost by name. The only drawback is a small retail space, small utility rooms, which means that inventories are limited. Girls have to spin like bees, constantly putting goods almost from wheels on rapidly emptying shelves, especially with dairy and vegetable products. At the same time, you also need to smile and politely answer questions from customers, sometimes boring, annoying, meticulous, touchy. Believe me, it's not easy, I've been working in the trade for many years. But I have never seen or heard any conflicts with customers in the West. Therefore, the store staff has 10 stars!
The store is too small for the western microdistrict, a very narrow range of goods, but, as they say, it is small, but it is good." A wonderful, friendly team, the girls will always help in choosing the product, tell you when they will bring the necessary missing goods, remind you if you forgot to buy your favorite products. Thank you for your hard work!