Bozor yaqinda joylashgani uchun unchalik kirmiman, bozordan farq qiledigan skidkala bo'sa olaman. Ishchilar esa juuuudddda qo'pol, betgachopar, ayniqsa kassirla. Muddati o'tgan tovar borligi va skidkada sotilyotganini aytsam rosssa surbetlik qilib tan olishmadi. Qisqasii kirib asabiz buziladi
Very convenient location. Why 4? Because you don't always have what you ask for in the meat department.
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Anonymous review
January 31, 2020
because they prepare a fresh grill there and that they want to eat everything, but one minus is that they give piece-made small canfets to the place of the building, you don't want to like that, and the cons are the package for the product is expensive
Everything is fine and the service and the goods the price is also very much cheaper for everyone than in the bazaar, but there is one minus the guards are too recent