I don't know what to say, everything will close inside there, only it opens with its own, some patients think that they are not there and go home, I don't say that all the staff are like that, but there are many of them.
If you contact someone immediately to send another office to another office, you will go there in a queue because only in one office accepts who was there knows.....
But for cleanliness you can put 5 who does the cleaning there, so they really work.
Шикарная клиника, отличная команда персонала, работают слаженно, активно, оперативно, чистота в клинике идеальная. Молодцы ребята. Охота отметить отдельных профессионалов своего дела это кардиолог Бауржан Юсуфович, отличный врач и человек. Урозаев Ергали врач эндоскопист чуткий, внимательный профессионал своего дела. Хотелось бы, чтобы их знали в лицо , такие люди достойны уважения. Спасибо вам ,родные, что вы у нас есть.
7. The nurse and the doctor are just great. All directions are provided as soon as possible and are very friendly. The ultrasound is good, the tests are accurate.