An excellent supplier in the Republic of Belarus.The goods are always shipped the best.I would like to work with a delay, it is very convenient.I hope everything will work in the future.And another plus is that they can ship the minimum position...So I recommend everything)Good luck to everyone
Very often I drive through this warehouse, to the neighboring warehouse of suppliers, the smell of spices is simply amazing. It will be necessary to come in sometime, buy some spices at home.
Рекомендую 🍵 отличный чай и огромный ассортимент 😌
Show business's response
Дмитрий Тривашкевич
Level 28 Local Expert
January 31, 2022
Одна из лучших оптовых компаний продающих специи. Цены конечно завышены, но качество специй достаточно высокое. Сейчас продают и чай, но там цена через чур высока.