Нежные картофельные оладьи с румяной хрустящей корочкой
11.9 Br195 g
Ветчина и сыр
Воздушные блинчики с тающей текстурой. Куриная ветчина добавляет богатый вкус и гармонично сочетается с сыром моцарелла. Блюдо обладает приятной сытностью, но при этом не оставляет чувства тяжести
7.9 Br190 g
С ветчиной и кукурузой
Это аппетитное блюдо с гармоничным сочетанием вкусов. Нежная куриная ветчина, сочные томаты и салат айсберг делают его лёгким и освежающим. Соус цезарь придаёт пикантности, а кукуруза — сладковатые ноты. Свежая зелень приятно дополняет вкусовой ансам
6.9 Br145 g
Густой и ароматный суп на насыщенном грибном бульоне. В нём тают кусочки картофеля и шампиньонов, а перловая крупа добавляет питательности. Лук и морковь отвечают за сладость и густоту
6.9 Br320 g
Куриный бульон
В блюде насыщенный куриный вкус, который оттеняет копчёная курица. Мягкая вермишель и нежная зелень придают ему свежесть и лёгкость. Всё гармонично сочетается с наваристым бульоном
6.9 Br380 g
Ароматный говяжий бульон с кусочками бекона, ветчины, колбасы и филе куриного, приятно сочетающимися с грибным привкусом, имеет характерный вкус, напоминающий о барбекю. Репчатый лук и консервированные огурцы придают пикантность, а зелень со сметаной
7.9 Br340 g
Котлета с картофельным пюре и маринованным огурчиком
Блюдо сочетает в себе нежность картофельного пюре и приятную кислинку от маринованного огурчика. Сочная котлета добавляет насыщенности вкусу, создавая гармоничное сочетание
13.9 Br330 g
Макароны с сырным соусом и котлетой
Это блюдо точно понравится тем, кто любит сытные обеды. В нём много сыра, который аппетитно тянется, а кусочки курицы добавляют ему пользы. Нежные макароны в сочетании с сырным соусом создают приятное послевкусие
13.6 Br330 g
Блинчик с Nutella
Этот нежный блинчик наполнен любимой многими шоколадной пастой. Сверху он посыпан сахарной пудрой
7.9 Br160 g
Компот из клюквы
Освежающий напиток с натуральным фруктовым вкусом и характерным ягодным оттенком. Собственного приготовления
I ordered delivery this morning (or rather yesterday, 11/30/2024). It was 4 pancakes: with condensed milk, with nutella, with machanka and with ham and cheese. In general, of course, 3 out of 4 pancakes were normal, but the pancake with condensed milk somehow turned out to be without condensed milk. Okay, the filling was mixed up, I could understand that, but this pancake was without any filling at all. That is, they just rolled an empty piece of dough into tubes and threw it to the courier. Of course, I can understand that the workers were probably in a hurry and because of this a similar situation arose (or maybe they just worked like crap), but still I would like to avoid such situations in the future anyway. I hope for your understanding and give 2 stars for motivation :)
We ordered delivery at this institution (09/26/2024) . We ordered two portions of pancakes and a pancake. They brought the wrong order at all (at first they told the courier that he had mixed it up, but the courier immediately said that they gave him only one and he could not mix it up, before they gave him an order that was not ours in the end, they gave him another one first, and after a couple of minutes they took it away and said oh, they mixed it up). After talking with the courier, they immediately called the establishments, the manager began to ask what the order was and then said that they basically did not have such orders (which they brought to us and the one we ordered) redirected to write to Yandex delivery.
After talking with the courier again , we decided to call the manager of this institution back, the second time she said that there were such orders and the courier could have mixed up the addresses (only one order was given to the courier). After calling back for the third time, the manager looked at the cameras and said that the order that was brought to us was given to the courier at 13:16, and our order was accepted from them at 13:30 and did not explain how the order that was brought to us was accepted and made much earlier and got to our address if our order was He was accepted by them much later. And again, she said to write to Yandex. Delivery , because it 's not their fault . It all lasted until 17:30 in the end, we had to eat what was brought (the potatoes were tasteless, a small cutlet). We are very unhappy with this particular point and this staff. At other points, everything was fine and there were no problems.
Everything is super, the food staff and the speed of serving dishes. Thank you for working, continue in your spirit and get new promotions. Come on in, it's cool!)