You're great. We go there because there are all the shops we need (Colin's, Gloria Jean's, Marc Formel, yours, de facto).
The Euroopt is conveniently located on the ground floor. There are also enough food courts. All the amenities have been created for buyers
Выбор магазинов от продуктов, бытовой техники, игрушек, оптики, ювелирки, одежды и сортимента хороший, несколько мест для перекуса, 2 большие парковки с разных сторон магазина, но в праздники мест нехватает. Расположение удобное, но остоновки с одной стороны долековато расположены, если с загружеными пакетами идти). Туалеты присутствуют.
Convenient location. There are enough parking spaces. The assortment assembled under one roof has no competitors in the city. I am a regular visitor. It is necessary to maintain the access roads from Barykin Street at the proper level
Удобная парковка, большой выбор товара, можно отдохнуть и провести время с семьей в уютном кафе, много банкоматов и отделений банков. Вежливый персонал в магазинах. Приятно находится в торговом центре
Nice big shopping mall. There is a large selection of shops, there is everything and even more. There is a large parking lot, but sometimes there is nowhere to park the car, especially on a day off.
Great shopping mall, lots of different shops. The staff is very polite, everything will be explained and shown. The toilets are clean, it's not scary to go in. For those who live in Selmash, a convenient location, you can come by almost any transport
If we talk about the shopping center in general, then a good center, a diverse selection, any buyer will find the appropriate product for himself, even in the price segment. Visitors can have a snack, and even have a full lunch in the Euroopt dining room.
A large assortment . There are many sales departments . A huge number of Parking spaces . Coffee machines , ATMs , everything is available for convenience . Cleanliness is everywhere, even in the WC.
See original · Русский
Benua Mandelbrot
Level 13 Local Expert
July 16
Mandarin is a great place. Convenient location, parking, lots of entrances. A grocery hypermarket, and many shops of all kinds of different directions. I recommend you to visit.
The most favorite store! Euroopt hypermarket-that says it all. Everything you need and do not need to eat in the store. You can't leave without buying.
A very good shopping center, in my opinion the best shopping center in the city of Gomel, there is everything you need. Places to eat and buy clothes, toys, electronics.
You can buy everything here! Starting from flowers and ending with all sorts of little things. If you have an anniversary or guests, then here you will find everything you need.
I really like it, it's convenient, there's a lot of Parking and in general you can not only come shopping but also meet friends, it's nice, cozy, and polite staff....
There are many different shops, which in turn provide a huge selection of products for every taste. There are storage rooms, toilets, and everything else for convenience.
A good shopping center has everything you need in one place, it is not inferior to the capital's shopping centers in terms of content.
See original · Русский
Василий Лепшей
Level 5 Local Expert
July 22
I visit almost every day or even twice. What I like is that everything you need is in one place. EUROOPT always has high-quality products and a wide selection, especially in cooking. There is always something out of decent clothes and shoes in small shops. I'm hungry, there's a place to eat and it's not expensive. In general, a great center. I like.
A large shopping center in the Sovetsky district. Covers all the needs for clothes and shoes, as well as gadgets and accessories. There are banks, pharmacies. Mpgazin Eeroopt Hyper and other Garage cafes.
Mandarin for 4 , a variety of products for every taste and age. The only thing you get used to is getting confused in the shops. There is a place to sit, have a snack and relax
A normal shopping center, like most Belarusian centers everywhere. There is a currency exchange, catering, food products, an entertainment area for children, etc..
The best shopping mall in Gomel. There is almost everything that the soul desires. All he needs is a movie theater. Parking is very convenient, but on holidays and weekends it is difficult to find a place
3 крупных заведения питания, гипер Евроопт, много магазинов: одежды, обуви, техники, хозтоваров, игрушек, салоны связи и пр. В общем, почти всё, что нужно человеку, можно купить здесь. Удобно.
4* I put it only because the shopping center is not comparable to the Minsk shopping centers, and the potential is huge!
But for some reason, in the regions they are trying to make money on every meter by renting it out, and not on the constant traffic of visitors who, in addition to shopping, need a place to relax and have fun…
In my opinion, if you reconsider the concept a little, there will be a lot more visitors.
Для таких торговых плащадок название "торговый центр" через чур громкое. Очень мало магазинчиков прям для центра. Хочется сравнивать с крупными городами... или хотя бы с Минском. Но сравнивать то нечего. И цены бывают круче сталичных на несоответствующее качество. И ассортимент порой оставляет желать лучшего. Поэтму за неимением другого, приходится заглядывать сюда
Магазинов маловато. Выбор грустный. Парковка достаточная. Туалеты чистые без изысков. Покушать есть где, но до фудкортов далековато. Деткам маленьким есть, где полазить в небольших лабиринтиках
Вкусно, бюджетно, вежливый персонал, однако есть минусы, это освещение, там темно... И важный момент, детская комната очень опасна, все сделано не для безопасности детей, были случаи и на моих глазах, когда дети провалились, когда мой ребёнок чуть не упал с лестницы, если её можно так назвать и не разбил голову об горку, количество детей должно быть ограничено, руководству стоит подумать о безопасности их сооружения
One of the best shopping centers in the city, and by the number of outlets and the opportunity to buy everything you need, you can even relax with children in cafes for a democratic price tag
Нравится этот торговый центр. Большой, с разнообразием магазинов и товаров. Найдётся всё, на любой вкус и кошелёк. Парковка большая, место всегда можно найти.
Это отличный торговый центр! Здесь можно даже отдохнуть всей семьёй. Купить продукты, одежду, обувь, предметы интерьера и многое другое. Вообще модно купить ВСЁ! При этом развлечься самим и развлечь ребёнка! Выходной день можно провести с пользой, выгодой и отдохнуть🤗
Хороший торговый центр. Большое количество магазинов. Широкий выбор одежды и обуви, как для детей, так и для взрослых. Имеются места, где можно перекусить.
One of the largest shopping centers in Gomel. There are "Euroopt", "Megatop", "Buslik", "Marko", "Mila" and many other large and small shops, pharmacies and cafes.
The largest shopping center in Gomel, the choice is not bad, you can find and buy everything, but there are not many shops that are not familiar compared to Moscow