Универсальный гарнир с легким ароматом и нейтральным вкусом
899 ₸150 g
Хачапури по-мегрельски
30 см
3499 ₸220 g
Хинкали вареные
5 шт.
2799 ₸300 g
Баклажаны по-грузински
Блюдо из баклажанов с солоноватым сыром, пряной зеленью и бальзамическим кремом
3399 ₸190 g
Легкая закуска из свежих томатов, нежного сыра и пряного соуса
2999 ₸180 g
Капрезе с телятиной
Сбалансированный вкус сочной телятины, пряного соуса песто и нежного сыра с кислинкой томатов. Ароматы базилика и орегано связывают все ингредиенты вместе
3399 ₸190 g
Мясное ассорти
Мясное ассорти из нежной отварной говядины и традиционных казахских деликатесов
6199 ₸220 g
Сельдь по-старорусски
Закуска из слабосолёной сельди с гарниром из картофельных долек, квашеной капусты, лука и хрустящих корнишонов
2799 ₸250 g
Куриный шницель
Обжаренное в панировке куриное филе с золотистой корочкой и мягким, нежным мясом внутри
2999 ₸220 g
Каре барашка с овощами гриль
Блюдо из баранины с овощами, приготовленными на гриле, и специями
Everything is just delicious and great. Well done. The waiters are helpful, although they are not always at hand, although the corporate season justifies them. Overall, the atmosphere is friendly, warm, and warm. I recommend it to everyone. The prices are average, moderate, and generally more than acceptable. You won't regret it, feel free to book, a great time is guaranteed!!!
A good place for a family party, to meet friends and just a date.
As in many establishments, there were failures in service, they were sewn up and carried the order for a long time - but they are being corrected, they are constantly improving and this is visible.
I live nearby, so I have been a regular guest since 2021 named L*, who always forgets her discount card.
The staff always tries, well done!
Beauty admins are always on the lookout, especially the "native" old staff.
Special thanks to Tigran, there is always a place for guests, even with a full landing.
Good luck to you!
The kitchen is 3 out of 5. The Caesar salad was soggy, the waiters do not look after the guests, you have to wait even if there are several visitors in the hall. This place looks more like a dining room than a restaurant. There is no serving on the shelves. Tired interior. It's scary to remember about the ladies' room. The handle inside the room is on the sink. To open the door from the inside, you need to stick the handle into the door. The impressions of the place are terrible. Where are the owners of the establishment looking???