A very small, stuffy area, the product weighs heavily and is difficult to sort out. Sellers help out, help with the selection of models, search for the right sizes. It is not often that you will meet employees who are ready to help customers, positive feedback for the company's staff. By the way, we were given a hint that you can place an order from the website to the store and make a fitting before buying, we did not know this before.
When ordering goods via the Internet, an incomprehensible situation occurred. The order was formed, and an SMS message came that the product was waiting in the store. But the Consultant couldn't find my order in the store and said that the order hadn't been formed yet and I needed to wait for another notification.
It is better to look at the right size on the website and buy it in the store.
Here, as luck would have it, the replenishment of the product depends on the design, yes, you can choose something, well, I would like more chic in the design of different clothing models