It is located within walking distance, there are enough sizes of different shoes.One can say this about the variety of shoes: there are quite a few different models, but they don't need more.
If you want to choose high-quality shoes, then this is not the place! It is better to contact a brand store where you will be served at the level, and most importantly, quality . This is the essence of the fact that Marco no longer has the store that we were all told about before . The factory does not work at all , the OTC department is terrible . Shoes are terrible . Wasted money, one asterisk is intended for the employees of the store polite girls who did not refuse to help get through to the factory. It 's a pity that I have to work in such conditions .
In this store, they found what they had been looking for for a long time for a schoolboy. High-quality leather shoes. I recommend. One wish is that sellers need to smile. I got the impression that they are from the Soviet Union)))