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Спина - одна из главных зон, где накапливается стресс в нашем теле.
Во время сеанса активизируется микроциркуляция в тканях, устраняются застойные явления и скованность
80 ₾1 h
Массаж триггерных точек
Такой массаж помогает расслабить фасции, вернуть им привычную форму, нейтрализовать застойные процессы, избавиться от зажимов, воспалительных процессов
Такая процедура просто необходима после активных тренировок, длительных сидячих положений
Types of massage:myofascial massage, head massage, foot massage, foot massage, relax-massage, thai massage, back massage, neck massage, general sports massage
I regularly turn to Pavel, the best massage in Batumi, and one of the lowest prices.
I really like that Pavel always finds out what problem is bothering him, and after the session he can show more necessary exercises
I had a vacation in Batumi in September. I took a 6-day course. Pavel made a discount. It's nice for a vacationer. On the first day, the burning sensation (pain) between the shoulder blades disappeared. I usually do a fairly hard massage. Pavel has a gentle regime with an emphasis on trigger points. The most positive recommendations! Thank you!)
I turned to the masseur Pavel with complaints about the "wooden" body, constant muscle tension. After 10 sessions, I began to feel much better. Relaxation finally appeared in the body, it seemed even easier to live)) Pavel is a very sensitive, attentive massage therapist. Perhaps the best in Batumi! A very cozy, comfortable, relaxing atmosphere has been created in the office. I definitely recommend it.