In essence, the store is no different from others, except that in the first week after opening, prices were really lower than competitors, now, after a while, the "prices" are the usual three, except that the queues are kilometers long, and why is not clear, the most ordinary store.
The aisles are narrow, the goods are placed where and how they are, you can't look, you can't choose.But the prices are cheaper than in other stores, although dairy products are very expensive and not fresh.
A good store! The assortment includes sausage products,dairy products,groceries,frozen semi-finished products,fish,chickens, eggs. As well as manufactured goods!
Low prices, I've never noticed any delays. The service at the ticket offices is prompt, despite the influx of customers. That was the case with me anyway. I recommend
All the same as about the movie "They fought for the motherland"! The courage of the Soviet people is incomparable. You should know this so as not to rewrite history.