Some kind of Chinese market in the Arabic manner. There are a lot of replicas at exorbitant prices. It is quite possible to buy a suitcase on the road. There are Thai shops, but there are few of them. I bought Thai brand shoes there, not bad. Otherwise, well, so-so. But concerts from residents of the capital are held near the center and they are super!!! And the night food market is on fire!
A large shopping center in the center of Bangkok, there is no pathos of Siem Reap. At the entrance, you will be greeted by an island with ganj, and then by shops and restaurants mixed in. The higher you go, the more distinctly the specifics of the floor are felt. Clothing floor, food court floor, electronics floor. Using the example of the choice of sneakers, it is a mixture of local creativity and normal global brands. If you need to buy something or just eat after a couple of hours of searching, welcome