Нежная голень, томится 48 часов. Порция на 2-4 персоны
9900 ₸2 kg
Салат Цезарь с курицей
2690 ₸300 g
Крем-суп чечевичный
1990 ₸250 g
Суп-лапша с курицей на гриле
1990 ₸350 ml
Бургер говяжий с брискетом
3390 ₸320 g
Чизбургер говяжий
3790 ₸320 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
It's an amazing place, from the interior to the quality of the food and service!" Visitors note the varied and delicious menu, beautiful presentation, friendly and professional staff. The portions are quite voluminous, but inexpensive. The establishment is recommended to visit.
It was January 22nd, everything was fine, he introduced himself and served from and to!!!!today we decided to come in and regretted it, the official didn't show up, didn't explain anything about the menu, the order was carried for 50 minutes, and the funny thing was they brought cold drumstick, with cold fries without onion rings and jalapenos, the meat was rotten with a taste, they forgot about the sauce for the meat altogether!!! How can you get down to Cheburechnaya level in a month?