Цветовое исполнение:Венге,Дуб молочный
Ящик для белья:Нет
Основание в комплекте:Есть
Размер матраса:90х200,140х200,160х200,180х200
576 Br
Диван Дели
Цветовое исполнение: коричневый
Производитель: Царицыно мебель
Высота: 880
Ширина: 2300
Глубина: 1090
Материал: ткань
Тип дивана: трехместный
Размер спального места: 1980*1500
Механизм трансформации: пума
Короб для белья: Да
Наполнитель: Блок независ
1575 Br
Кухня угловая Мила ДСП дуб золотой
Материал фасадов: ЛДСП
Производитель: ИнтерЛиния
Высота нижних шкафчиков: 850
Высота верхних шкафчиков: 720
Глубина верхних шкафчиков: 300
Глубина со столешницей: 600
Гарантия: 2 года
Возможно изготовление по индивидуальному проектуд
I ordered the Prague kitchen, there were slight delays in delivery, but this is the fault of the transport company. There were no questions during assembly, everything is simple and accessible, the only thing in the kit was not enough handles and the curtain was broken, I wrote to the manager,everything was sent by mail, in a short time, for a small price, an excellent modular kitchen, the appearance is very decent, I hope it will last a long time.
Good afternoon! We ordered a modular living room Gamma 20. The manager responded very promptly, and everything was brought safely. The assembly was not difficult. It fits perfectly into the interior!
There are no claims to the product. To the work of the store too. But the delivery is just disgusting. Firstly, it was delivered with a delay. Secondly, the volitioner is a complete boor (it is written in the contract that delivery is as close as possible to the entrance. He stopped halfway, at the request to move closer or turn around, he began to poke the keys in his face with the phrase "come on" and only after the phrase "let's call the dispatchers" did he go)