Услуги детского гинеколога в Новой Боровой (Копище): точная диагностика, широкий спектр исследований, индивидуальный подход. Доступные цены, удобное расположение медицинского центра.
40 Br
Электрокардиограмма позволяет детально исследовать состояние сердца, вовремя выявить малейшие отклонения от нормального его ритма, идентифицировать повреждения миокарда. Врач выполнит расшифровку кардиограммы на следующий день
16 Br1 pcs.
УЗИ щитовидной железы
УЗИ щитовидной железы в Новой Боровой (Копище): точная диагностика, широкий спектр исследований, индивидуальный подход. Доступные цены, удобное расположение медцентра.
20 Br1 pcs.
Медицинские анализы
Медицинский центр «Меддиагноз» официальный партнер «Синэво» по лабораторной диагностике в д. Копище (Новая Боровая).
I was at an ultrasound appointment with Anishchenkova L.N. the results of the study were provided quickly and in detail. I was pleasantly surprised by how accurately and clearly the doctor described the results, answering all my questions.
Anishenkova L.N. doctor with a capital letter.I recommend this doctor to anyone who is looking for a qualified specialist in the field of ultrasound diagnostics. Thank you so much for your excellent work.The ultrasound is now only for this doctor.
It's a very uncomfortable recording process.
It is extremely difficult to get through, you need to leave a request and wait for a call.
As a result, they wrote in Viber - who in general communicates with clients in third-party messengers?..
Especially in this one, where there is a lot of spam and mailing lists. If I hadn't come in by accident, I wouldn't even have noticed that my application was "answered". I had to ask to dial me, because I couldn't get through myself.
Chatting in principle stretches the recording process, rather than simplifying it.
I am contacting the clinic, as only a specific person is currently working in it. The clinic is irritating at the time of recording, and if it wasn't for the doctor, she wouldn't have contacted me anymore. The situation would be corrected and the creation of an online record would be simplified.
I took a blood test from a vein today. It was very painful. It feels like a vein has been punctured. They categorically stated to my complaint that I could not get sick... That is, the other person knows better how I should feel...
A general blood test is prepared for one day. I handed it over in the morning. Now, at 7.40 pm, he has not yet arrived at the email address. When I submit such an analysis to the Horizon MC, it is always ready no later than 3 p.m.
That is, apart from geographical proximity, there are no advantages in visiting a medical diagnosis.