This is my wife's polyclinic from Soviet times until now. The medical center employs good doctors, in general - no worse than in other clinics, and in some areas - the best specialists (for example, Dr. Gedoyan, a skin specialist).
My negative assessment was not given to the polyclinic, but to the urological center on the second floor, where my wife was sent by a therapist for sonography and consultation with a urologist.
The word "poor" is best suited to the quality of the sonographer's report form - there is no form, there are no screen shots, the conclusion is handwritten in a clumsy, poorly readable handwriting. The quality of the report's content can be described as "inadequate". It noted only the presence of microliths in the kidneys with a size of 3-4 mm. Even their total number is missing, not to mention the description of which kidney has how many of them and where exactly they are located (see Fig. 1, 2). I have never seen such a thing - neither in Soviet times, nor now.
Appointment of a urologist (Uorek ( ) and, in case of pain, Vourdon) also turned out to be unsuccessful - my wife's blood pressure began to rise on Friday evenings, on Friday and Saturday it was managed to bring down with captopril, on Sunday captopril did not help, at night I had to call an ambulance. In the morning, the pressure was 165 / 110 again, the urologist was called, he refused to continue treatment, justifying this by the fact that his wife, in addition to his appointment, also took an antibiotic prescribed by a therapist (he himself did not prescribe an antibiotic).
We went to another clinic, underwent sonography there again, the local urologist left an antibiotic and, besides him, prescribed only 5 tablets (the pain has already stopped). Ugh, ugh, ugh, the patient's condition improved dramatically after the first 5-Nok pill.
They prescribed a bunch of medications, then canceled, on the day of the operation they could not find a single doctor to ask how it went, etc. They paid a million, but the doctors say the amount, there is no price list. After the operation, who treats where to go, we do not know