A great flower shop. Convenient location. There is always plenty to choose from. The service is good, they will always prompt and can advise. The flowers are always fresh, as the traffic is good, the prices are reasonable.
Good flowers at affordable prices, but the service unfortunately lags behind. In general, a good store with a wide assortment, I constantly take flowers there for any occasion.
This flower shop sells flowers at low prices, but the quality of the flowers leaves much to be desired. Many flowers disappear on the shelves due to the ignorance of the sellers. Pitifully. The room itself is large.
I don't recommend it. There are always half-dead flowers and sellers do not recognize Kazakhs, or do they look down from high. I am not happy with the service and bouquets. I took it from here twice and my husband also bought it here for the anniversary. These roses are just terrible. I went to change it to a normal one and everyone, but this normal one is not normal either.
Всегда берём цветы в этом магазине. Цены самые низкие, и разнообразие цветов очень большое. Брала до этого в других магазинах 2 раза антуриум, он у меня не выживал. Взяла в мегафлоре, цветёт и радует.
На 8 марта сошли с ума, цецы взвинтили в 3 раза, как-будто никогда не видели деньги, надо вести себя немного скромнее, мясо на рынке дешевле ваших цветов на праздники...