I would like to express my deep gratitude to the agency and personally to its employees Zhamol and Azamat.
The guys are great professionals in their field, cultured and polite, they really know how to listen to the announced criteria for real estate search.
Competently and in a short time, they select several really suitable options.
In our case, within a couple of hours, we picked up an apartment even better by all criteria than we were looking for, and at a very reasonable price.
They fully devote themselves to their work at any time of the day, for the convenience of the client.
They provide consultations at subsequent stages, if they are required.
Thank you again and wish you further success!
Hello! I would like to express my gratitude to your staff Jamol and Sofia. They are real masters of their craft. They solved my problem in just one day. Polite, friendly and highly qualified specialists. I am grateful to your company and wish that there are more employees who do their job with love!
I recommend this real estate agency to everyone! They helped me a lot to find a suitable rental apartment in the Yakkasaray district, I especially want to mention the expert Julia, who was able to find the right option and negotiate with the owner. I express my great gratitude to her!
I would like to thank real estate expert Yulia Igorevna Gafurova for the professional assistance provided to our family.I wish her success in her future work. The agency needs more honest and energetic employees
I want to express my gratitude to the team. I asked for help in choosing a place to rent. The issue was resolved quickly, the apartment was selected according to my requests and criteria. We have the best impressions of an individual approach and warm business relations with clients, maximum consideration of wishes, the ability to simply and intelligibly explain the complex subtleties of our legislation. An extraordinary sense of tact! polite communication with the company's employees.
Especially to Herman, thank you very much for your clear work! As you promised me that you would help me find an apartment for long-term rent. I will recommend it!
Sincerely, Mukhtor
The realtor does not fulfill his promises. We rented an apartment in a new building, upon check-in we were told that the contract with the agency and the owner would be later. They also promised to replace an unplugged semi-automatic washing machine with an automatic machine, put an extractor hood in the kitchen, replace a non-working and leaking gas meter, hang a curtain in the shower, clean up after repairs (there was garbage left after drilling the walls) In 3 weeks, we have not been able to complete any of this list. Messages and calls are either not answered, or they shift responsibility to each other