Кондиционер MIDEA FOREST MSAFA-09HRN8 (с медной трубой)
Тип кондиционера : сплит-система настенная, режимы работы: охлаждение воздуха, обогрев, вентиляции, осушение воздуха, при повышенной влажности, автоматическое поддержание температуры, оптимальный режим работы в ночное время. Управление с пульта, с...
141900 ₸
Кондиционер MIDEA Breezeless E CB1-09HRFN8-I
Сплит-система с уникальной системой воздухораспределения по технологии Breezeless™. Два воздушных жалюзи деликатно рассеивают воздух по пространству, а S-образные боковые диффузоры позволяют создать эффект 3D-охлаждения.
Перфорированные жалюзи с ...
239900 ₸
Кондиционер MIDEA AFI-09N8D1 Inverter (с медной трубой)
Модели, серии "Forest" оснащены энергоэффективными (А++) DC-inverter двигателями, которые позволяют работать сплит системе зимой на обогрев при температуре наружного воздуха до -15°С. Внутренний блок имеет глянцевый волнообразный пластик лицевой п...
I have been a client of Megaclimate in Astana for a long time, and I would like to note their high level of service and wide range of products. I mostly buy supplies for installing air conditioners here, and every time I am satisfied with the quality of service.
It's nice that all the necessary materials are always available, which allows you to save time and not delay work.
The prices are quite adequate, and the quality of the materials fully meets the requirements of air conditioner installers.
Separately, I would like to recommend the company's employees – they are always ready to help with the choice and give competent advice. It feels like there are professionals working here who understand the needs.
In my opinion, the Megaclimate really has no equal in Astana. It is a reliable partner for everyone. Thank you for your work!
I recently bought an air dryer, and it was a great solution! The consultants helped me choose the model that is perfect for my apartment. The device works quietly, effectively copes with high humidity, and the indoor air has become noticeably more comfortable. Fast delivery and excellent service. I recommend Megaclimate to everyone
A cool, modern store. A good model range. The air conditioner bought it, and Konstantin, the manager, consulted competently and explained everything. We made a discount, it's nice too. I recommend this store