My husband and I love this pharmacy very much. We buy almost all medicines at low prices here. One of my favorite pharmacies, and, well, the close location.
The excellent mood of today was completely spoiled by a visit to this pharmacy!!!!!! Don 't set foot here again !
Disgusting boor , not a pharmacist , the badge says : Round Ekaterina Alekseevna
A little more: I went to the pharmacy , there is no one from the staff . Three minutes later, the pharmacist came out slowly and unhurriedly, with a sooooooo dissatisfied face, reluctantly putting on a not-so-white coat. Without even saying hello, she became and made a face still dissatisfied.
(I'll run ahead a little, so that it would be more clear further, my husband called me and asked me to pick up medicines at the pharmacy: 5 packages, we do not live in Minsk and before buying we always either order or make sure that the medicine is definitely available in the pharmacy in the required quantity).
I asked if there was a drug by name, in response in a very rude tone: No.
I said, "Well, no, there are 5 packages available on the Internet and...... just wanted to say that maybe the spouse made an order, but the pharmacist has already interrupted " and in a raised tone, as if it is alien to her to answer visitors' questions, again in a boorish tone: " The person has already ordered and he's going to pick up medicines." I say , "Maybe this person is my spouse , " in response , she began to yell that you should immediately say that you made an order . It feels like you didn't go to the pharmacy, but to the public toilet, where you were doused with shit. In place of the management, I would think about the upbringing and politeness of my employees.