500р до 30 человек, за каждого последующего 15р. с человека ( без питания ). Зал вмещает до 50 чел. Время с 12-23.00 часов включительно.
500 Br30 pcs.
Баня на час( от 3х часов)
Агроусадьба Мерцана предоставляет вам отдых в русской бане на дровах. По часам от 4 х-8 чел. Минимум 3 часа.
Звонить за 4 - 5 часов до предполагаемого отдыха, для обеспечения комфортной температуры в парилке для вас!
30 Br1 h
Агроусадьба Мерцана
Аренда дома агроусадьбы Мерцана включает отдых компанией до 30 человек с 12-23.00ч!
Аренда дома на сутки до 8 человек!
( музыка+ кухня+ зона барбекю+ зал для мероприятий+ комната отдыха с телевизором, бильярдом, и настолыми играми)
Дети до 7 лет ...
We had a great rest in this beautiful and cozy place! Friendly hosts, a very beautiful landscape, a large territory, a variety of games and leisure activities for all ages.
The heart of this place is a wonderful sauna that will give you a healthy body and spirit!
We will definitely come back here again!
Our rest was emotional. The friendly owners of this estate greeted us from the doorway. Everything was shown, told, everything necessary for recreation was provided, even a ball for the children, board games, everything was at the highest level. Gorgeous view, large territory, plenty of space for children! A sauna is generally a thrill!!! We didn't want to leave, we had a good rest))
We will be regular guests 🫶🏼
This is a wonderful place. Beautiful landscape, awesome view, sculptures are very beautiful, comfortable beds, very responsive and polite hosts! The prices are very pleasant. The bathhouse is generally a fire! I really liked it!😉 Thank you very much for the rest ❣️