Диаметр: Ø 28 мм,
Тип: стальная рифленая А3,
Класс прочности: А500С / S500,
Сталь: Ст. 3,
Длина: 11,7 метра
Вес 1 мп: 5,047 кг, Метров в 1 тонне: 198,
Цена за 1 метр погонный и за 1 тонну,
Производство: Беларусь, Россия.
They took fittings here for the construction of a terrace, a fence made of Euro-picket fence and corrugated board on the roof. It is very convenient that they took everything in one place, and the choice of metal is large. The quality of the materials is decent, and they were also delivered on time. We have already recommended you to our neighbors!