Convenient airport. Everything went quickly and without queues. And at the check-in desk, and the entrance to the airport and passport control. There are many benches inside, cafes and shops. Prices correspond to airport prices. Coral premium business lounge is small. The food is modest, the only thing is that you will not stay hungry. Free drinks include beer, lemonades, tea, and coffee. The descent to the gate is not very convenient.
The airport is large and spacious. There are a lot of check-in counters, sometimes there is a huge queue for charters, and regular flights go through this process quickly. But in any case, set the time, the queue can be organized both at passport control and at the "framework". There are shops and places to sit/eat outside, there are a couple of 7/11. There are several second-hand places where you can go from banks, there is also a subway inside. If all the seats in the departure area are occupied, then go down to the arrival area and there will always be somewhere to sit.
Excellent, convenient and modern airport! Quick baggage claim! The staff is very friendly, prompt and helpful in everything! Convenient parking and access to cars for loading/unloading passengers