Креветки жарятся в темпуре, затем заправляются соусом айоли-шрирача, дополняются икрой тобико. Подаются с мякотью грейпфрута и микс салатом.
38 Br
Камамбер с конфитюром из инжира
Сыр камамбер запекается и подаётся с маринованным красным луком, кедровым орехом и конфитюром из инжира.
35 Br
Хумус с маринованными зелёными томатами
Хумус дополняется нарезанными тонкими слайсами зелёными томатами, кедровым орехом, кинзой, маслом чили и зелёным маслом. Подаётся с обжаренным на гриле багетом.
25 Br
Томленая говядина с огурцами кимчи
На мультизлаковый хлеб, обжаренный на сливочном масле, выкладываем томленую в соусе жу говяжью щеку. Дополняем блюдо огурцами кимчи и чипсами из пастернака.
25 Br
Тартар из говядины с шиитаке и соусом майо-шрирача
Говядина, заправленная специями и кунжутным маслом в сочетании с грибами шиитаке в панировке дополняется соусом майо-шрирача, перцем чили и кинзой.
25 Br
Шпроты с соусом ромеско
Копчёные шпроты подаются с соусом ромеско, маслом чили, кинзой и хлебным кранчем.
Листья лазаньи выкладываются слоями и промазываются соусом болоньез на основе соевого фарша с добавлением томатов, лука, моркови, стебля сельдерея и цедры лимона. Перед отдачей поливаем соусом на основе выпаренных сливок и пармезана с добавлением ...
It's a lovely restaurant. It was a week ago.
It's atmospheric inside. Sofas, interesting design with lots of mirrors and pleasant lighting.
Delicious Caesar with Shrimp. An original serving with a slightly spicy sauce and also a crumb of fried bacon is brought separately to the salad. I was surprised! But it is very tasty and not a greasy dish.
The green wine of Proseco was also at 5. They opened it in front of me.
The service is fast.
The staff is friendly.
You can see how the food is being prepared. And the chefs are smiling, customer-oriented.
The next time I'm in Minsk, I'll definitely come in to try some other dishes-they'll probably also have an original twist.
There were people of different ages and with children in the institution. Probably you can find delicious dishes for everyone there.
The restaurant is a little removed from the main street-it is less noisy and in the evening at 19 there was a place for me without a reservation, but there were still a lot of people.
During my visit, I visited several restaurants in Minsk and Grodno, but not everywhere is well received and you can sit comfortably.
I recommend this place.
I liked.
It's a good place, a solid four. The service was at the highest level (they clarified about allergies, which is unusual and pleasant!), the kitchen was simple, without frills, but everything was delicious (rice with pork was slightly oversaturated, in my opinion, but sweet grapes perfectly set off this taste).
The furniture (chairs) has already been scuffed, I would like to replace it.
I want to mention the water supply, because for me it is an indicator of an excellent institution.
I liked desserts the most 👍🏻
Good afternoon!
I liked everything very much: the brutal interior and furnishings, closer to the loft, unobtrusive service and a wonderful kitchen with quite delicious dishes! We enjoyed the visit and a charge of positive emotions!
I recommend it to everyone!