Котлета из говядины, сыр чеддер, луковый джем, соус эмили
25.5 Br340 g
Middle Ground
31.5 Br500 g
Peachy & Cheesy
27.5 Br400 g
Sweet & Sour
26.5 Br370 g
Американский полдень
27.5 Br385 g
Классический бургер
28.5 Br380 g
Фирменный соус
Кетчуп, майонез, пикули, трюфельное масло
4.5 Br40 g
Альтернативный фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
It's a delicious and good place, and it's great at the moment in terms of burgers.
Good service, cool waiters with a good mood and a pleasant approach.
Good burgers, delicious and simple.
Beer is the weak side of this place, when I visited the choice was extremely small, which may not be very good for such a place, literally close the most popular wishlist. In itself, the average is good, but it can be better, and much better.
The service speed was acceptable, but there was no prime time during the visit and, despite Saturday evening, there were enough empty tables.
I recommend you to visit at least once, try it and see.