They try to scam foreign students out of every penny they can. Go to another university if you can or avoid paying in full in case you need to leave Belarus or some emergency happens. The people running this place are a bunch of con-artists using the loopholes in the onerous massive contract you sign as a student to hold and often keep your money.
Do not trust their administrative people.
One of the biggest language universities in the world 🌍. Great place and you will be in touch with people from over the world. Be ready to make new friends and live new experiences. Добро пожаловать в Беларусь, добро пожаловать в МГЛУ!!!
1st year of PF, everything is super, the teaching staff was pleased, good food in the dining room, the building is freshly renovated, most of the classrooms are spacious, it's a pity that there are no air conditioners:(